Join the Iowa Numismatic Association!

Any person interested in numismatics, over eighteen years of age and of good moral character may become a member upon recommendation of the membership committee. Dues are to be $15.00 per year.

The object of this corporation shall be to:
Encourage and promote the science of numismatics.
Cultivate fraternal relationships among coin collectors and students.
Foster the interest of youth in the subject.
Encourage and assist new collectors.
Stimulate and advance affiliations between our associations and kindred organizations in the
United States and foreign countries.
Acquire and disseminate numismatic knowledge.
Generally represent numismatic interests throughout the State of

Junior Members:
Any person between the ages of 0 and 18 years old and sponsored by a senior member be considered for junior membership. Junior members may not hold office, but may vote for elective officers. Dues are to be $5.00 per year.

Officers are elected every two years by membership vote, by mail ballot, and take office at the annual convention following the election. Officers consist of sixteen members, including the President, the First and Second Vice Presidents, the Secretary/ Treasurer, the immediate Past President, and eleven Directors.

The annual membership meeting is held each year at the Iowa Numismatic Associations annual convention in the Fall.

The Iowa Collector, the official bulletin, is published three times each year and sent to each member. The I.N.A., upon request, will help the heirs of any member of good standing find a qualified person or persons, in his or her area, to appraise an estate.

For further information about the I.N.A. contact any member, director or officer. To join send your name, email address, street address, date of birth, along with your check to:

 Beverly Ashton
 615 Central Avenue
 Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501


NOTE: The l.N.A. year runs from January 1st to January 1st.